The Enlightening Chapters 41-45

                                                            41 We walked back to Merle’s car, in the parking lot, and got in.  I assumed he was going to drive me home, and then leave, but he had saved his biggest surprise for last.  “Hey, Ken,” Merle said casually, as if the idea had just occurred to him, “would you like to visit […]

The Enlightening Chapters 37-40

                                                            37 Merle drove me back home.  He turned on his “radio” and we listened to some jazz.  “Who is this playing, Merle?” “That’s Thelonious Monk.”   “I like it.”  “I love it,” Merle said.    When we pulled up to the house, the fireflies were out, in the yards and in the park across the street.  […]

The Enlightening Chapters 34-36

                                                            34                                  Soon, we were back in Merle’s car, and headed over to what was becoming the “usual” spot, behind the mall by the dumpster.  When we got there, a truly scraggly-looking man was there, on his bicycle, peering into the dumpster.  As we approached, he reached down into the dumpster and pulled out […]